Here you’ll find no roses growing

Here you’ll find no roses growing

Here you’ll find no roses growing


Hér vaxa engar rósir

Skúrinn var mér innblástur í þessu verki. Þessi ryðgaði, verðurbarði skúr fékk mig til að hugsa um blóm – en Skúrinn er einmitt andstæðan við blóm og fegurð. Gætu rósir vaxið inní Skúrnum? Hvernig rósir? Innsetningin er tiraun til þess að leiða ímyndunaraflið að því hvers konar plöntur gætu sprottið þar.

Katrín Elvarsdóttir

Here you’ll find no roses growing

The Shed was my inspiration for this work. This rusty, weather beaten Shed got me thinking about flowers-but the shed is exactly the opposite of flowers and beauty. Could roses grow inside the Shed: What kind of roses? This installation is an atttempt to guide the imagination concerning what kind of plants might grow there.

Katrín Elvarsdóttir

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The Search for Truth

The Search for Truth

The Search for Truth


The Search For Truth

Photography is Katrín Elvarsdóttir’s chosen medium for addressing pressing questions about our experience in time and space, about memories and the indistinct boundary between the imagined and the real. In the last fifteen years, Katrín has won her place as one of Iceland’s foremost photographers and played a significant role in changing people’s perceptions of photography as an artistic medium. She has held several private exhibitions in Iceland and abroad, including Gerðarsafn in Kópavogur 2016 and the Reykjavík Art Museum in 2010. Her pictures have also been featured in numerous group shows, including Martin Asbæk Gallery in Copenhagen 2017 and Hillyer Art Space in Washington D.C. 2014. Katrín has also received awards for her work, being nominated for the Deutsche Börse Photographic Prize in 2009 and winning the prestigious EIKON prize in Vienna in 2017.

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Installation View

Without a Trace

Without a Trace

Without a Trace


Without a trace

Katrín Elvarsdóttir creates a setting for a little story wherein we observe a group of children that seem to be wandering alone in the woods. “The idea came from a painting I had in my room when I was a little girl, it was a painting of Hansel and Gretel walking down a forest path,” Katrín says of the series she has chosen to call Without a Trace.

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Katrín Elvarsdóttir setur hér á svið litla sögu þar sem við fylgjumst með nokkrum börnum sem virðast ein á ferð úti í skógi. «Hugmyndin kom frá málverki sem ég var með í herberginu mínu þegar ég var lítil en það var málverk af Hans og Grétu að ganga eftir skógarstíg,» segir Katrín um myndirnar sem hún hefur gefið nafnið Sporlaust.

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Installation View

Vanished Summer

Vanished Summer

Vanished Summer


To be an Icelander is perhaps in sum an endless wait. To wait for spring, wait for summer. Eternal optimism despite frozen ground and mounds of ice that seem rooted deep in the bowels of the earth, so firmly that the thought of living things in the ice-capped farmyard seems far-fetched, a daydream of the romantic sort, a flight of fancy.

For those who wait pining with summer-thirst, who hoping against hope scan land and sea for early signs of life in blasted fields and quiet woods, in silenced summer, who seek evidence of life, of a summer that seems determined not to come – when summer does come it comes so softly that it almost slips past, like a fragrance of summer in the offing, gone in the time it takes to pluck and chew a blade of grass, distractedly, in the dwindling hope of one who seeks and waits upon silent signs of warmth and life.

Summer’s arrival, instantly gone.

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